The Rising Action program features an engrossing lineup of works including Kirsten Wicklund’s exhilarating The Forever Part, Simone Orlando’s soulful Studies of Cash, a tribute to country legend Johnny Cash, and the world premiere of Jake Poloz’s cathartic The Royal We.
The Forever Part
Inspired by daydreams and longing, The Forever Part is a poignant ensemble piece exploring the inherent tension of the permanence of forever. With rhythmic group sections and stirring duets, this piece meditates on both yearning and desire as well as anxiety and restriction.
Studies of Cash
The soulful, contemporary Studies of Cash features the heartfelt and often humorous music of country legend Johnny Cash from his life-changing 1968 concert at Folsom Prison. This work delves into concepts of confinement and imprisonment and looks behind prison walls that are both man-made and self-imposed.
The Royal We
In his first work for the Company, Montreal-based choreographer Jake Poloz focuses on the ways our ambitions become the central story in our lives. The Royal We examines the rituals of monarchy as a vehicle to dramatize these ideas.