Learn how to set up a dance environment that invites students to integrate a body-mind connection and engage in process-based learning. Discover how to guide and cue students so they can dive deeper into their personal sensing experience and take agency for their own embodied learning. Rather than teach dance through a ‘watch and do’ method (outer oriented), learn how to guide students through a ‘sense and experience’ method (inner oriented). This workshop is part theoretical and part practical.
Part 1, Theory / Discussion: What is a somatic approach to teaching dance, and how can we set up a dance environment that supports process-based learning?
Part 2, Practical: Integrating methods and exercises into the classroom to engage students to deepen their sensing experience and body-mind connection and learning to move beyond habitual patterns of movement to find ‘the new’.
Bring notebook and wear clothes you can move in.
For dance teachers and artists (of all genres) who work with, or want to work with, teens, adults, and older adults.
Enquiries: 604 606 6416 members[at]thedancecentre.ca
Please mention any accessibility needs on registration, and we will try to accommodate everyone.
This workshop is taught and designed by Donna Redlick.
Donna is Registered Somatic Movement Educator, a Certified Movement Analyst in Laban/ Bartenieff studies, and a Dance Teacher and Artist with 30 years of professional experience. She has an MA in Dance Practice with a somatic approach from Trinity Laban in partnership with Independent Dance London. She founded ‘Moving Arts & Somatic Studies’ to foster the growth of somatic dance practice, movement re-patterning, movement analysis and developmental movement for all ages. For more information visit www.donnaredlick.com
Photos: Carolina Bergonzoni, Donna Redlick, and Avis Yang by Tonya Ng, Moving Arts & Somatic Studies (all rights reserved), Donna Redlick by Tonya Ng, Moving Arts & Somatic Studies (all rights reserved)