The workshop will start from the participants’ own techniques, practices and approaches to build the foundations for your own freestyle. Different aspects of freestyle hip-hop will be explored, through exercises and short basic choreographic phrases, both solo and in groups. Then participants will experiment with how fluidity, dissociation and slowness break down into several forms to feed our vocabulary. Finally the workshop will focus on the assimilation of this new material to deliver a personal freestyle creation.
For professional and emerging dancers working in all genres – hip-hop experience is not required.
Salomon Mpondo-Dicka aka Bidjé De Rosa was born in Toulouse, France. He has worked with Collectif (La) Horde / Arthur Harel, Cie Massala / Fouad Boussouf, Swaggers / Marion Motin or DC Vortex /Hugo “Yugson” Lumengo, and collaborates with visual artists and musicians. His work feeds on Krump, hip hop, house, and contemporary dance, and straddles the world of performing arts as well as battles and the underground.
The Dance Centre and PuSh International Performing Arts Festival present Smail Kanouté/Compagnie Vivons! in Never Twenty One Jan 19-21: details.
Photos: Lorenza Daverio, Feroz Sahoulamide