2 years ago, I approached Bracken Hanuse Corlett to carve me a mask in response to the conversations between us.
These conversations were between two artists getting to know each other and touched on our relationship to this territory, to art, to traditions, and to our families and loved ones. We talked of the mask as a representation of the territory between us: me, an immigrant and him, Indigenous to the west coast of Turtle Island (Wuikinuxv/ Klahoose). We talked of the mask as “The Territory Between Us”.
My sole task on receiving the mask was simply to submit to it, to be guided by it.
Bracken and I, along with Justine A Chambers, acting as choreographic assistant, will share some of our thoughts and outcomes of this process so far.
– Lee Su-Feh
Birmingham Studio
Choreographer: Lee Su-Feh
Carver: Bracken Hanuse Corlett
Choreographic Assistant: Justine A Chambers
Photo: Dean Hunt