Lamondance is thrilled to present its new groundbreaking show, “Soul Searching,” featuring an all-star lineup of guest choreographers. This captivating production pushes the boundaries of dance, exploring the depths of the human soul and inviting audiences on an introspective journey.
With guest choreographers Eowynn Enquist and Isak Enquist, Margarida Macieira, Sidney Chuckas, Cai Glover, and Wen Wei Wang join forces with Lamondance’s Artistic Director, Davi Rodrigues, to create a mesmerizing fusion of artistic visions. Each choreographer brings their unique perspective, expertise, and artistic flair, resulting in a performance that will leave audiences spellbound.
“Soul Searching” serves as the ethos of the show, tapping into the profound human need for self-reflection, growth, and understanding. Through the language of movement, the dancers delve deep into their emotions and vulnerabilities, transcending the boundaries of words and connecting with the audience on a profound level.
From ethereal contemporary pieces to explosive and dynamic performances, “Soul Searching” offers a diverse range of dance styles, ensuring that there’s something to captivate and inspire every audience member. The choreography is thoughtfully crafted, seamlessly blending movement, music, and visual elements to create a visually stunning and emotionally evocative production.
Featuring a talented cast of Lamondance dancers, each performance is a testament to their dedication, technical prowess, and artistic expression. Their sheer passion and commitment to their craft shine through every step, compelling viewers to embark on their own personal soul-searching journey.
The breathtaking synergy between the choreographers and the dancers is enhanced by the meticulous attention to detail in every aspect of the show’s production. From the lighting design to the costumes, every element is carefully curated to accentuate the visceral impact of each performance.
“Soul Searching” is not only a showcase of extraordinary talent but also a celebration of the transformative power of dance. It invites audiences to traverse the depths of their own souls, igniting a flame of introspection and self-discovery that lingers long after the final curtain call.
Don’t miss this exhilarating exploration of the human spirit – “Soul Searching.” For more information, tickets, and showtimes, please visit