Rou Garou is a collaboration between V’ni Dansi Artistic Director Yvonne Chartrand, actor and filmmaker Jordan Waunch, and video editor and media designer Cande Andrade. Starting from a stage work inspired by the Métis trickster figure Rou Garou, they are researching the development of a dance film.
This multi-disciplinary project explores the relationship between camera and dancer within the context of transformation, cultural content and staged performance, bringing together images of the moving body with the technologies of film to create the unique and hybrid art form of screen dance.
The artists will share their research and discuss their process.
Digital Dance Playground – A time of exploration where dance and film intersect. Playing with the inspiration of transformation with tricksters, sourcing deep into ancestral Métis memory plus innovating into future world visions where we create a universe of discovery where past, present and future are one.
Photos by Yvonne Chew and Chris Randle